Allow Combined Breaks


Select this option if you want to allow employees to combine multiple breaks and take them at the same time.

A combined break is used when you allow your employees to add together multiple punches breaks and take them all at once.  For example, a company has a rule that says if the employee is assising customers when their normal break time arrives, they should wait to take the break. At a time when they are not busy they can combine the missed 15 minute break with their 30 minutes lunch break and take a total of 45 minutes. PayClock Online will adjust the amount deducted for the punched break(s) based on the total amount allowed for the breaks. In this example, if the employee is only punched out for 40 minutes for the combined breaks, PayClock Online will adjust the amount deducted for the combined breaks to 45 minutes.


Wed 12/05/2018